The Importance of Printing Your Photos

It's estimated that 10% of all photos ever taken were taken in the last 12 months.

We all keep our photos as digital files on our harddrive, phone or in the cloud. While these means are convenient and accessible, they are not always proven safe. Moreso, these files are easy to accidentally delete, or the devices they’re stored on corrupt and the photos are lost forever. Plus, they are easily scrolled past and forgotten.

As life moves forward, some of our favorite moments of our lives, such as our engagement, wedding, or photos of your loved ones, we might be risking the chance of looking back on them. Ironically, the most photographed generation could face itself being the future’s lost generation. We kid ourselves that we’re going to go back and look at the thousands of photos on our phone or Instagram and really appreciate them. Previous generations only had film negatives and anything they really wanted to keep, they printed, which is one of the safest ways to ensure it’s not lost forever.

Here are a few ideas to keep in mind when printing your photos:

#1. Keep an Engagement or a Wedding Album

Life is beautiful and precious, yet fleeting. That is why we document the short-lived memories we have. However, it should not end there. These images deserve to be savoured and shared. 

When tangible prints come into existence, these become part of the real world. It becomes easy for you to share them, not only with your partner but with your loved ones and your family’s future generations as well. 

Moreover, printed images of your engagement and wedding allow you to create more memories with your significant other. By keeping an album, you can always sit together, flip through the pages, and look back to the times that brought you joy during this time in your relationship. Such an opportunity for spending quality time with each other is crucial, especially when life gets in the way or when you’re feeling uninspired. Hence, allow printed images to give you a nudge and remind you where to draw strength from.

#2. Hang Your Engagement and Wedding Photos in Your Home

You can always head to your local home-good’s store and find charming decorations. However, these could end up similar to your neighbour’s. Hence, why don’t you take your home decor game to the next level by going for personalised and unique home accessories? Hanging your engagement and wedding photographs on your walls is the perfect way to fill space with invaluable memories as your family grows, as well as decorate your walls. This is also a brilliant way to make a statement that overflowing love exists there.

#3. Prints Make Great Gift to Your Parents and Loved Ones

Your marriage kickstarts your own family, regardless of whether or not you already have kids or pets. This new life might overwhelm you with excitement that you, without fault, can barely focus on anything outside it.

As this happens, taking some time to honour the families you grew up in as you build your own is always a good idea. Gift them with prints or an album from your engagement and wedding. Not only do these make unique and personalised gifts, but they can serve as additions to your family's collection of heirlooms to be passed to the generations to come! Such a gesture will show your roots, especially your parents, that despite the changes and progress in your life, they are not left behind and will always play key parts in it!

#4. Use Your Engagement Album as Your Wedding Guestbook

Curating your engagement photos into a guestbook on your wedding for your guests to write messages in is one of the practical and creative ways to use them. What better way to keep those kind and memorable words than by pairing and complementing these images that show the powerful adoration between you and your other half? Just make sure to hire a professional engagement photographer whose shots do justice to your love!

Wedding Photography and Videography Los Angeles

If you’re a client of Legacy Union Photo Co, it’s easier than ever to print your images. On your gallery website, simply click Print Store that’s on the top right corner of the page, start picking out the images you want printed, and you’ll receive prints on your doorstep in just a few days. If you have any questions on how to do this, please reach out to me directly!

For those who aren’t already my clients, and you feel like your phone photos aren’t worthy of being immortalised in prints and shared with those in your life by hanging them on your home’s walls, then I would invite you to hire a professional photographer, like myself, to capture some timeless and flattering images during this season in your life.

We offer these services - wedding photography Los Angeles, couples photography Los Angeles and lifestyle photography Los Angeles.