The Importance of Backing Up Your Wedding Photos and Films

Weddings are one of the most wonderful events in our lives that we want to cherish forever.

Your wedding photos are one of the few tangible objects that will remain 50 years after your wedding. The photos can also let your future generations see you and your spouse’s love story. (And let them see how beautiful you were at this age.)

In order to make sure that your wedding memories are saved forever, we highly recommend backing them up.

I have prepared a simple guide to help you backup your wedding photos and films. These recommendations are not only for your wedding photos and films, but all the moments that you’ve captured over the years that you would be heartbroken if the device they’re on broke, died, corrupted or got lost or died. If you’re already a client of Legacy Union your photos & videos will be backed up with us online in our cloud and on physical hard drives for 1 year. Beyond that it’s important that you keep backups maintained yourself.

Save them online with a cloud service

There are many online storages like Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, Flickr, OneDrive, or Amazon Photos etc. that can help you keep your files saved forever.

I would highly recommend that you upload your wedding photos and films from your wedding day through one of these online storage for backups.

Use Two External Hard Drives

Besides having your photos online in one of the cloud services mentioned above, it’s important that you keep a second or ideally a third copy of them offline. You never know when one of the services you use changes strategy, gets acquired, or has a massive technology failure. In order to safeguard from those scenarios I would recommend saving your photos and videos to at least two external harddrives. For best practices, store your photos on two harddrives in two locations in order to safeguard them from a natural disaster like a fire, earthquake, or flood.

We recommend storing one harddrive in your home and the other in your work office, friend, or family member's house.

Another reason why it’s important to have your photo and video memories stored in a could service and multiple harddrives is because it’s not a matter of if your hard drive will corrupt or die but when it will. At some point, every harddrive is doomed to fail. They’re a mechanical thing, and overtime it will wear down.

Here are some of the best external hard drives where you can store your wedding photos & films.

Another nice thing about having your memories stored on harddrives is that you can view all your photos and videos when you don’t have internet access.

Invest in Photo Albums

Digital photos are super handy and easy to access, that’s true. But it’s also great to keep a physical copy of your wedding photos.

Wedding albums are the perfect way to beautifully store your photos in a physical form. Most wedding photographers, like us at Legacy Union give you the rights to create and print your own photo albums and prints. Our clients are also offered a professional album design and printing service where we’ll take care of the design and printing of the album. The nice thing about the physical album is that it’s super easy to access and can be used as a decoration in your home or offices as well.

A Little Note…

Yes, wedding photos and films are important because they only happen once in our lives but we also recommend storing even your favorite photos, videos you’ve captured on your phone as well as all important documents on any of these storage mediums, so you can ensure that you have them saved and safe with you forever.

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